General FAQs
How do I get my products in your store? Thank you so much for loving us enough that you'd like to join our magical team of makers! As of Summer 2022, we are not accepting any new makers that are not currently on Faire/Abound/Bulletin Wholesale websites. This helps us as a tiny store manage our cash flow. We have a handful of BIPOC makers that we are reserving our "pay upfront" buying budget for, thank you for understanding. Here's what we're looking for: 1) We require all our makers to be doing active anti-racism work. 2) We only carry vegan, gluten-free, & ethically sourced/made items & we have a preference towards plastic & palm oil free items. Still here? Not scared off? Email us at & we'll get back to you if we're interested.
Are you hiring? Thank you so much for loving us enough to want to work with us! We are a teeny-tiny company that doesn't have the budget for payroll yet. No really, Brianna has been working for free this whole time. We currently have two 1099 Independent Contractors that we pay for projects & special events. As of Summer 2022, all "contractors" make $16/hr & receive a 20% employee discount, but we cannot currently support full-time hours or afford healthcare for our team. Once we have the sales to support a team, we will post job opportunities online & on Instagram.
How zero waste are you? The store hardly makes any trash & we are committed to decreasing the store's trash output as we have the budget to. Currently the store's trash consists mainly of label backings & tape we've peeled off of boxes that we've received.
But how zero waste are you? On average Brianna made less than one grocery bag of trash every three months between their partner and cat. As of June 2023 that number is expected to reduce even further between Brianna and their cat.
Are you really witches? Yes, Brianna is a witch & our contractors are all witches of different backgrounds.
Are you a coven? We use #CoyoteCoven on social media to refer to our community collectively, but we are not technically a coven because we're not fans of hierarchies.