Ever gone to leave the house and realized your chime candle isn't done yet? Need to knock out a quick spell before work? Us too, that's why we started carrying these mini chimes from Shadow Lights Candles. These take about 45-75 minutes to burn, depending on drafts. What makes these chimes different than the ones you find in the typical metaphysical store? They're handmade from beeswax instead of paraffin, which means they're petroleum free. Because we can't ask you to divest from big oil if we sell paraffin based candles, that'd be silly. Intuitively pick the colors that call to you, pick colors based on your intention & your culture's color correspondences, or pick colors based on our Boss Witch Brianna's little list here:
WHITE-universal, treat like clear quartz & set your intentions
GREEN-abundance, growth
BLACK-uncrossing, banishing
Listing is for one 4" mini chime candle, make your selections from the drop down menu below. Made by Shadow Lights Candles.
RIP save wax scraps to condition thread for needle crafts, or save scraps to melt down to DIY more candles or wax melt.